Powerful Alert Notifications for Nagios and Icinga

On-call Duty Management, Mobile App & Anywhere Response


Respond reliably and superfast - 24/7

If you are relying on Nagios or Icinga for monitoring your IT infrastructure, you reliably need to know what’s going on before issues impact your service quality. With Derdack’s Enterprise Alert you acquire a notification solution with powerful on-call duty management and with real-time mobile alert notifications with tracking and escalations via voice, text, push and IM. The mobile App provides an unique mobile experience for managing alerts and troubleshooting incidents. Responding to critical incidents no longer stops at acknowledging it. You can run IT automation runbooks directly from your smartphone to remedy issues in your IT infrastructure.

Derdack Enterprise Alert is the leading professional alerting solution for Nagios and Icinga.

See how seamlessly Derdack Enterprise Alert connects to Nagios for an advanced mobile alerting experience

Complementing Nagios and Icinga

Advanced alerting

Automated alert notifications by voice, text, IM, push, email with real-time tracking and escalations. Noise filtering, de-duplication, flood protection, severity checks, responsibility mapping, alert auto-recovery support.

On-call scheduling

Powerful on-call duty support. Intuitive drag & drop on-call, 24/7 and follow-the-sun team scheduling including “who’s on call” dashboard, including on your mobile device.

Mobile App

Native mobile App for anywhere alert management and remedial actions. IT Automation runbooks can be triggered with a single touch.

Seamless Integrations

Seamless integration based on web services with full access to all alert details in the Derdack mobile app

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