Why Enterprise Alert
Dynatrace is an application performance management software company with products for the information technology departments and digital business owners of medium and large businesses. The company’s services include performance management software for programs running on-premises and in the cloud. Enterprise Alert takes the dashboard screens and delivers the critical alerts directly to the on-call team members smartphone.
How it Works
Enterprise Alert establishes a connection via WebHook URL. Using the powerful REST API, JSON formatted event data will be prioritized triggering alert policies on key parameters so that users receive only the most critical alerts with the most pertinent information. Each team member will receive an alert via their designated notification channel, allowing for the flexibility of user dictate notification methods.
Integration Capabilities
Sending DynaTrace Events to Enterprise Alert
To create a new Rest API endpoint please follow the below instructions.
Creating alerts in Enterprise Alert for DynaTrace Events
To receive Alerts from the previously created REST Event Source Alert policies must be created. To do that please follow the below steps:
Notifications within the Enterprise Alert mobile app
Enterprise Alert comes complete with a mobile app allowing for all critical alert details to be seen from anywhere. Users can acknowledge and take ownership of alerts and with remote actions, even resolve them. Team members collaborate with their peers so that even if an on-call person is not the SME, that person is easily within reach via voice call, text or email.
A centralized Alert Center can be viewed from the web portal. All alerts, whether active, overdue or closed are visible to EA admins. Ownership and even delegation is as easy as drag-and-dropping the alert to the person/team.