Enterprise Alert generiert im Laufe der Zeit einige Datenbank-Einträge und Log-Files. Viele davon sind sehr hilfreich für Reporting-Zwecke aber nach einer gewissen Zeit wird immer mehr Speicherplatz verbrauche und das System kann dadurch Performance einbüßen.
Es ist daher empfehlenswert historische Datenbank-Einträge und alte Log-Files von Zeit zu Zeit zu löschen. Um dies komfortable zu ermöglichen, stellt Derdack ein Maintenance Script in PowerShell bereit. Dieses kann manuell oder automatisiert ausgeführt werden. Zum Beispiel kann das vom Windows Task Scheduler aus in bestimmten Intervallen (zum Beispiel wöchentlich oder monatlich) geschehen. Wir empfehlen das Script zu Zeiten mit möglichst geringer Last auszuführen, da das Script selber die Datenbank zusätzlich belastet.
Am Anfang des Scripts findet sich eine Sektion mit der Konfiguration. Diese kann entsprechend dem jeweiligen Szenario angepasst werden.
Das PowerShell Script sieht wie folgt aus:
This script deletes Log messages from Enterprise Alert
from Folders and Tables older than configured in $keeplogdays.
To set up this script, please configure settings below in the CONFIGURATION section.
Works with Enterprise Alert 2012, 2015, 2016
© 2008-2016 Derdack GmbH, www.derdack.com, Enterprise Alert is a registered trademark of Derdack GmbH
# History:
# 22.06.2015 HF – Delete Version and Logging revised for EA 2015
# 14.04.2015 HF – Tables added [EmergencyCalloutAlerts], [RemoteActionsHistory], [RemoteJobsHistory]
# 17.04.2014 HF – Connection String
# 16.04.2014 HF – add writes Log File
# 07.04.2014 HF – First Version
#requires -version 3
#endregion – Header
#region – Configuration
# Database connection String
$dbConnectionString = „Server=sqlserver;Trusted_Connection=No;UID=SA;PWD=Derdack!;Database=EnterpriseAlert;“
# „Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MMEA;Trusted_Connection=True;“
#keep all logs from the last xx days
$keeplogdays = „60“
#Main log Folder
$logFolders = @(„C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Alert\Logs“,“C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Alert\ScriptingHost\Logs“)
#Tables to truncate Log Tables (tablename,columnname of time to compare)
$DBlogTables = @(@(„MMEVENTS“,“MSGTIMESTAMP“) ,@(„EAEvents“,“Timestamp“))
#Tables to truncate Message and Tickt Tables
$DBMsgTables = @(@(„MMINBOUND“,“MSGTIMESTAMP“),@(„MMOUTBOUND“,“MSGTIMESTAMP“),@(„MMTICKETS“,“CREATIONTIME“),@(„MMTICKETMESSAGES“,“SENDINGTIME“),@(„PolicyExecutionJournal“,“Timestamp“), @(„EmergencyCalloutAlerts“,“CreationTime“),@(„EmergencyCalloutInstances“,“LastTimestamp“), @(„RemoteActionsHistory“,“Created“), @(„RemoteJobsHistory“,“CreationTime“))
#logMessage for E-mail
$emailMessage = „Run Log Message“
#Name of log File for this Script
$LogfileNameFQDN = $logFolders[0] + „\LOG_DELETE\{0:yyyy-MM-dd}_{1}_{2}.log“ -f (Get-Date),$env:COMPUTERNAME,““
#static variables
$crlf = „`r`n“
#endregion – Configuration
#region – Function
#truncates Tables from MMEA Database
function .runSQL
param( [String]$dbConnectionString,
try {
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = $dbConnectionString
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + „Run SQL “ + $SQLStatement
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SQLStatement,$conn)
$rdr = $cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + „Run SQL “ + $rdr
return „Error running: “ + $SQLStatement
return [string]$rdr
function .checkTableCount
param( [String]$dbConnectionString,
#Write-output „IDcounter is: “ $SQLStatement
$connectionString = $dbConnectionString
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $SQLStatement
$ID = $command.ExecuteScalar()
return $ID
# Thank you goes to: http://blog.danskingdom.com/powershell-functions-to-delete-old-files-and-empty-directories/
# Function to remove all empty directories under the given path.
# If -DeletePathIfEmpty is provided the given Path directory will also be deleted if it is empty.
# If -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate is provided, empty folders will only be deleted if they were created before the given date.
# If -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate is provided, empty folders will only be deleted if they have not been written to after the given date.
function Remove-EmptyDirectories([parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string] $Path, [switch] $DeletePathIfEmpty, [DateTime] $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate = [DateTime]::MaxValue, [DateTime] $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate = [DateTime]::MaxValue)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -Directory | Where-Object { (Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force -File) -eq $null } |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate } |
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
# If we should delete the given path when it is empty, and it is a directory, and it is empty, and it meets the date requirements, then delete it.
if ($DeletePathIfEmpty -and (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force) -eq $null -and
((Get-Item $Path).CreationTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate) -and ((Get-Item $Path).LastWriteTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate))
{ Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force }
# Thank you goes to: http://blog.danskingdom.com/powershell-functions-to-delete-old-files-and-empty-directories/
# Function to remove all files in the given Path that were created before the given date, as well as any empty directories that may be left behind.
function Remove-FilesCreatedBeforeDate([parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string] $Path, [parameter(Mandatory)][DateTime] $DateTime, [switch] $DeletePathIfEmpty)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -File | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $DateTime } | Remove-Item -Force
Remove-EmptyDirectories -Path $Path -DeletePathIfEmpty:$DeletePathIfEmpty -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate $DateTime
# Funktion send a E-mail to the SMTP Server
function sendSmtpMail
param( [String]$Smtpserver,
$from = „mmea-check-{0}@XXX.net“ -f $env:COMPUTERNAME
$to = „mmea-smtp-check@XXX.net“
$Subject = „MMEA-SMTPCHECK-{0}“ -f $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Body = $MessageBody
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -SmtpServer $Smtpserver -Body $Body -Subject $Subject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#return $?,$null
# Function writes a Log File
function writeLogFile
if ((Test-Path $LogfileName) -eq $false)
New-Item $LogfileName -ItemType file -Force | Out-Null
$Message | Out-File $LogfileName -Append
function .deleteDBLogEntries{
# Delete all DB Logs
foreach ($Tables in $DBTables) {
#getlast ID
$IDcounter = 100
$Iterations = 0
#Write-output „IDcounter Start is: “ $IDcounter
while ($IDcounter -ne 0) {
$sqlstaementCounter = „Select Top(1000) CAST(id as int) as lastID FROM “ + $Tables[0] +“ WHERE DATEDIFF(dd,“ + $Tables[1] + “ , GETDATE()) >= „+ $keeplogdays + “ order by ID desc“
$LastID = .checkTableCount -dbConnectionString $dbConnectionString -SQLStatement $sqlstaementCounter
if ($LastID -le 0 ){
$IDcounter = 0
#now delete first part
$sqlstaement = „DELETE top(1000) FROM “ + $Tables[0] + “ WHERE ID < “ + $LastID
$Iterations = $Iterations + 1
$Success = (.runSQL -dbConnectionString $dbConnectionString -SQLStatement $sqlstaement)
$RestNumbersStaetment = „Select CAST(count(id) as int) as Maxnumbers FROM “ + $Tables[0] + “ WHERE ID < “ + $LastID
$IDcounter = .checkTableCount -dbConnectionString $dbConnectionString -SQLStatement $RestNumbersStaetment
$Message = $Message + $crlf + „Cleanup for: “ + $Tables[0] + “ Iterations: “ + $Iterations
return $Message
#endregion – Function
#region – Main
$emailMessage = „Start “ + (Get-Date)
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + „Cleanup Days from “ + ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$keeplogdays))
# Delete all files
foreach ($logFolder in $logFolders) {
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + „Cleanup “ + $logFolder
Remove-FilesCreatedBeforeDate -Path $logFolder -DateTime ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$keeplogdays)) -DeletePathIfEmpty
# Delete all DB Logs
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + [string](.deleteDBLogEntries -DBTables $DBlogTables)
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + [string](.deleteDBLogEntries -DBTables $DBMsgTables)
$emailMessage = $emailMessage + $crlf + „Log End “ + (Get-Date)
#sendSmtpMail -Smtpserver $env:COMPUTERNAME + -MessageBody $emailMessage
writeLogFile -Message $emailMessage -LogfileName $LogfileNameFQDN
#endregion – Main