Sometimes the Enterprise Alert services shall run under a Windows domain user account instead of under the “LocalSystem” account. This might be the case because of the required database access.
It can be quite annoying to set the credentials for all services manually. Therefore, the following PowerShell script will help you to do this very conveniently and automated:
# Set all Enterprise Alert services to run under a certain user account $localaccount = ".Administrator" # Username $newpassword = "Password" # Password $service = Get-WmiObject win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE 'message master%' OR Name LIKE 'Enterprise Alert%'" $service.Change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null, $localaccount, $newpassword) # Or set back to local system account # $service.Change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null, "LocalSystem", $null) # Restart the services $service.stopservice() $service.startservice() # After that you might want to check whether all services are started correctly
After that you might want to check whether all services are started correctly.